Multimeter - Learn Electronics and Electrical
In the electronics lab, a common piece of test equipment is the multimeter, in which
different kinds of meters are combined into a single unit. The volt-ohm-milliammeter
(VOM) is the most often used. As its name implies, it combines voltage, resistance and
current measuring capabilities.
You should not have too much trouble envisioning how a single milliammeter can be
used for measuring voltage, current and resistance. The preceding discussions for measurements
of these quantities have all included methods in which a current meter can
be used to measure the intended quantity.
Commercially available multimeters have certain limits in the values they can measure.
The maximum voltage is around 1000 V; larger voltages require special leads and
heavily insulated wires, as well as other safety precautions. The maximum current
that a common VOM can measure is about 1 A. The maximum resistance is on the order
of several megohms or tens of megohms. The lower limit of resistance indication is
about an ohm.