
Friday, April 20, 2007

Some New e-books

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Monday, April 9, 2007

Sony: Don’t Compare PS3 Home To Second Life

Sony talks PS3 Home vs. Second LifeNobody’s gotten a statement from Sony yet about Atari’s secret project which appears to be direct competition to PS3 Home.But Steve Boxer recently spoke with Sony’s Phil Harrison about PS3 Home and asked about the basic similarities with Second Life. Phil Harrison wasn’t having any of it.“I think you’re way oversimplifying by suggesting Second Life and Home are the same. In Home, you get a character and a 3D world, and that’s where the similarity ends. Second Life does some brilliant things but with Home, we’re providing a service. Therefore, the tone of voice is what will differentiate it – Home is about entertainment, it has a game focus, and it’s about sharing with a like-minded community,” he explained.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Consoles: "days are numbered," says PC developer I've not heard of. But does he have a point?

As news stories go, it's a bit of a punt. Online gaming site, Jolt, attending some kind of launch event for Hewlett Packard's new range of PCs, heard the founder of developer, Trion World Network, proclaiming "I believe the days of the console are numbered".
Later, some chap from NVIDIA added, "Our advantage as developers is we know what is coming. And what is coming is far ahead of the console. You will see a huge difference between what you can get on a PC and a console." We presume he's talking about the forthcoming 8800 Ultra graphics card due in a couple of weeks.
On one hand, this is a load of hot air. High-end PCs have regularly out-performed consoles through the last twenty years, but this hasn't stopped dedicated games machines from dominating the leisure software market - due to the fact that, historically, they're comparatively cheap; they provide a closed, stable and uncomplicated platform that doesn't need upgrading every six months and when you buy a game you get the finished article, not something that gets patched the second it's released and dozens more times thereafter.
But actually, with the latest generation, consoles are in danger of edging into the seamier territory of PC ownership.
There's price for a start. PS3 is £425, while Xbox 360 retails at around £270, but if you want a HD DVD drive and a couple of years of online gaming subscriptions you're looking at around £200 more. Plus, after barely a year on sale, a new version of the machine is now available - Xbox 360 Elite - offering combined functionality, and an unappetizing new PC-style sales model.
Thing is, consoles now want to occupy the same space as the family PC. They download and play music and movies, they do web-surfing and online chat, they even have interchangeable operating systems (well, PS3 does). So in a bizarre way, they're actually dissolving their own USPs by becoming more multi-functional. As they get closer to PC functionality it gets harder and harder to distinguish them from the good old desktop workhorse.
Meanwhile, PCs are coming in the opposite direction. Most manufacturers now have their 'living room' Media Center PC brands - like Packard Bell's SmartTV - and are eager for us to throw out our old TVs, bring in the computer from the study and use it to watch and record TV while streaming internet radio and checking out our MySpace pages. Of course, they've been trying this for ages, but now they've got the specs and flashy OS to capture mainstream consumer imagination, plus Web 2.0 has made broadband internet an acceptable family entertainment solution.
Of course, consoles are still cheaper than high-end PCs, and anything you can do on a PC you can do a lot easier on a dedicated games machine. Online gaming is still relatively complex on PC - often you have to find your own servers via a third-party like AllSeeingEye and if you want to talk to other players it's usually much better to go for a solution like TeamSpeak than to rely on whatever the developer has provided. None of this is the case with Xbox Live.
Yet bad habits are slipping in. Regular firmware updates add functionality, sure, but some will find the prompts confusing. Also game patches are an unwelcome consequence of consoles going online and providing developers with a second, third or fourth chance to get their game code right. You could argue that if a developer finds a new way to get their multiplayer code running quicker then it's a good idea to send it out as a post-release extra, but it's a slippery slope - toward the point where you expect a game to have a new patch everytime you load it up.
Maybe that's what the founder of Trion World Network meant when he said about the days of the console being numbered - it wasn't a jingoistic, pro-PC rant, it was an acknowledgement that consoles are turning into PCs, bad habits and all. Or vice versa, of course.
Just what are we supposed to put beneath our TVs these days?

Monday, April 2, 2007

GTA IV Wii Announced with Trailer

GTA IV Wii Announced with Trailer
Rumors have been going on the past few months of Grand Theft Auto IV making its way to the Nintendo Wii. Reggie Fils-Aime, President of Nintendo America, has been pushing Take-Two for a Wii port of the game. It seems his hard work paid off, early this morning a trailer was added to the press website of Rockstar Games announcing GTA IV for the Wii. Because the Wii is not powerful enough to render the same graphics as the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, it seems as though they've gone with the old engine or perhaps an edited version of it.

Trailer Observations
Now that the chaos has died down a bit, we've had a chance to pick through the trailer to see what kind of technical upgrades might be hiding under the proverbial hood of GTA IV. Note, these aren't all confirmed features, per se, but they do seem to indicate things will, in fact, be different.
Perhaps the most obvious technical upgrade visible in the trailer is the real-time lighting and shadows. Now, seeing as this is a next-gen title we're talking about, one might say this feature is a given. However, after experiencing and modding the GTAIII Trilogy, I think this deserves a lot more attention than it will probably get.
In every title since GTAIII, all the environmental lighting has been done by pre-lit vertices. For those not technically inclined, this basically means the highlights and shadows were painted into the models, then multiplied all together to roughly match the time of day.
While the results looked good at any given moment, as time passed by things just didn't seem alive. With real-time lighting, on the other hand, the "living, breathing city" concept of GTA has just gotten a whole lot more dynamic.
Another possible no-brainer for a modern title is normal mapping. But considering the history of somewhat blocky peds in the series, and if this is what we think it is, it is a welcome change.
If you look closely around the arm and face of this ped, you can see that the lighting appears to be smoother than the actual polygonal mesh. This trick is done by creating a smooth, highly detailed version of a 3D model, rendering a texture which stores the vertex info, then applying it to an optimized version of the model.
The end result is a more detailed model with a much smaller file size. Which of course is a good thing when you've got a dozen or so on the screen. It also looks as if both peds in the picture have individual fingers..
One of the most annoying and downright bizarre things about the series has been that it's seemingly inhabited by an army of clones. Granted, San Andreas fixed this a bit by adding tons of different peds, but nevertheless, one would always run into the same person in the same clothes over and over again. Day after virtual day.
Hiding amidst the time-lapse portion of the trailer though are clues that this may be about to change. To the left are a series of screenshots from the trailer showing an otherwise identical person wearing mixed and different color outfits. If you go through the trailer frame by frame, it seems that there are a bunch of other peds wearing random outfits.
Yes, it is possible that they are four unique ped models. But after the player clothing options in San Andreas, it's only natural that Rockstar North expand this to peds. And if that's really the case I would expect the variety to grow even more as the game draws closer to completion.

First GTA IV Preview Announced
Quickly on the heels of yesterday's trailer announcement, Game Informer magazine has announced a world exclusive GTA4 preview in their May issue. The may issue will be reaching subscribers next month, and we'll have the information up once we get it.
A few things to bear in mind. Game Informer was the same magazine that had a world exclusive preview of GTA San Andreas (our reporting), way back in June of 2004. That preview was 10 pages long and included a lot of new screenshots. We are expecting nothing less this time around.

New York City Upset by GTA4's Setting
New York City authorities are upset at the new Grand Theft Auto being set in their city. According to the NY Daily News (via Game Politics and /.), the city councilman and other city authorities have spoken out in condemnation of GTA IV. The city councilman had this little gem to add:
"Setting Grand Theft Auto in the safest big city in America would be like setting Halo in Disneyland."
With Rockstar Games' headquarters located in New York, this debate is just getting started. Can't wait to see the lower east side activists demonstrating on Broadway.

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